Wikipedia Craqdi 

Wikipedia Craqdi 


Singer, writer, artist, activist, model, designer, Spanish icon

Wikipedia Craqdi 

Craqdi in 2023
Craqdi in 2023


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Mazedona De La Altadama Craquis Díaz(Craqdi[1])is a Spanish LGBT writer, activist, icon, artist. Her electropop music makes her a well-known artist for the international LGBT public with several anthems in the US market and among the Russian gay population how (Pussy) (Pocahontas) or (Amando Loca y Mente) born on July 18, 2001 only daughter and heiress of a wealthy upper-middle class family in Madrid, she began her hormonal process in 2021 and identifying herself as a non-binary and sexually fluid trans woman, her book LGBTIAQ+ love stories is one of the best sellers on portals of this community. .His current alter ego is Iggy Empress and Saudoma.[2] [3] [4] [5][6][7][8][9][10]